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Welcome & Thank You for shopping at the BerkanaWay Store! We hope you enjoy your visit, please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.
Featuring BerkanaKare Botanical Skin Care and BerkanaKare Aromatherapeutics, professionally formulated and passionately created with your whole health in mind by Jennifer Echert, Naturopathic Doctor and Clinical Aromatherapist.
Berkana Aromatics are 100% pure plant-based essential oils and hydrosols. Aromatherapy education and tools bring their value home to you while making them easy and enjoyable to use.
Berkana Select Herbal Extracts,Synergies and Infusions are formulated to maximize the potential of the plants contained within them. They feature certified organic and/or wildharvested herbs picked at their peak of potency.
BerkanaWay Business Philosophies
*We embrace the path of knowledge so that we may bring new emphasis and balance to our lives through specific action in inspired, innovative and resourceful ways.
*Our products are intended to preserve and vitalize the life-force by bringing forth balance, growth and healing with passion for life.
*All our decisions are based on respect for nature and humankind, recognizing the deep connection that binds them together.
*We support environmentally thoughtful cultivation so that we may offer products of the highest vitality.
*We maintain clear and fair business relationships with our suppliers based on trust and responsibility.
We attend our customers in a conscientious, respectful and reliable manner.
*We are diligently committed to competence, well-rounded knowledge and maintaining right attitude.